Slow zombies served a purpose. Rigor mortis. They came from graves originally. Sides, they had no brains. Joints were freezing up. But that is me using logic.

It was also a slow, frightening death. Cabin fever tied to the notion that yes, you could go out, but you would be one of THEM. plus, you risk damning everyone else. People had a problem trusting other people in the room.

Speeding up the pace, to me, is like making Ghosts of Mars. Man, I hated that.

Not zombies really. Call it alien monster man-eating dudes
I think that is the technical term.

all this horseshit over reinventing movies shows a weak writing industry. Traffic remade twice. Couple mummy movies. Frankenstein remade several times, and he will make an appearance in Van Helsing, along with Wolfman (werewolf), and Dracula. Zombies. Oy. And of course. Stepford Wives.

They need to Remake Schindler's List. He needs to save all the Jews, create a time machine and kill Hitler. Plus he needs to have sex with more women. So more nudity would be cool. And I want that in color.

Words not violence, break the silence. Maybe.