I just saw this.

Now, I can suspend disbelief a bit when I watch movies. I'm a nitpicker at heart sure, but I also love movies, and movies are inherently flawed. So, I'm ok with disregarding a few discrepancies here and there.

But I have my limits.

Dawn of the Dead had some humorous moments. Sick, cruel, humorous moments. I'll concede that it was more entertaining than I expected(the sniper shooting of celebrity lookalikes was funny).....but in the end it suffered from all of the same problems most modern horror movies do. It had several chances throughout to redeem itself by not conforming to the silly horror-flick conventions of predictability, and each time it only dug itself into a bigger hole.

In my opinion, 28 Days Later was a vastly superior film.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.