Yesteday, I went to my local Comic Book Store for my weekly "fix."

At the store, I had only a few books waiting for me, and a new "pull list" form. Apparently, it's the time of year where the owners update the subscriptions.

Bringing the list home to fill out, I hate to say it, but I can't find much worth subscribing to right now. Looking at my current subscriptions finds me substracting more than adding:

  • Batman: Judd Winnick is coming on board. I've never liked a single thing that he's written. He's the same reason I dropped "Green Arrow."
  • Astro City: Only comes out a few times a year. I'll keep it on my list but it's not exactly a regular source of reading pleasure
  • Fables: A well-written, amost Gaimanesque, look at classic fairy tale characters living in modern day New York. It stays on my list. Unfortunately, I think its soon coming to an end.
  • Planetary: Right now, my favorite book. Would someone PLEASE put Ellis and Cassady on JLA. Unfortunately, this book is also nearing the end of its run.
  • Tep Ten: Alan Moore does "the Legion of Superheroes" as "NYPD Blue." Clever, but also nearing the end of its run (if not ended already with the "Smax" spinoff mini-series).
  • Fantastic Four: Currently my favorite Marvel book. I'd put it on my pull list, but I'm buying for Mark Waid and Mark Waid has a tendency to quit or get fired from books left and right.
  • Powers: I'd been planning on cutting it for a long time, but held on unti the end of the current run. Sure, Bendis can write some clever dialogue, but his stories are repetitive and poorly paced: "Terrible murder in the Powers community, Walker and Pilgrim do the patented interrogation bit on a few false leads, bicker and swear at each other and then the solution falls into their laps from out of nowhere." Basically, "Powers" is "Scooby Doo" with the lead characters being able to say "fuck" a lot.
  • Bone: Another excellent book nearing the end of its run

Now, there are a few other books I enjoy, but some of those are either mini-series or one I stared collecting in the trades (Tom Strong). So, basically, my pull list is down to one or two other books.

Am I the only one having this happen to him?