This drawing of the Batsuit for Batman Begins was created for Superhero Hype! by artist Tom Hodges, based on eyewitness accounts of the costume. Apparently it's so accurate that WB's pissed off over it, and may release a pic of Chris Bale in full costume earlier than originally planned.

Anyway, here it be:

According to both Batman On Film and SH, almost everything we've heard about the suit was dead wrong. Instead of being gray and black as was constantly said ever since pre-production started, the suit will be all-black like the Burton/Schumacher movies. (The gray in the picture is just for the sake of showing off the details.) Instead of the Bat-Signal on the suit being the same as the one on the official site as originally announced, the suit will have a different bat design that will be a mere outline on the tunic, and thus disappear against the background. And instead of the 1939-style mask ears or the standard-length ones the previous movies used as was rumored, we're getting short ears as pictured here. The only thing that was right on was the inclusion of a sleek pouch belt, and even at that it was reported to be black or brown. The belt on the suit will actually be a dark yellow.

Personally, I'm not too thrilled with this suit. I mean, I like the design in terms of the details, but all-black again? Haven't we been over this four times already? I would much rather see this design in either the classic dark gray/midnight blue or the gray/black we were promised up until now. At least it would be a welcome change of pace from the old look, and it would make for a more visually dynamic costume. Secondly, if the Bat-Signal on Batman's chest is just going to a be an outline that vanishes into the black of his tunic, then what's the point of even having a chest emblem in the first place? They might as well just get rid of it if it's not going to be seen. And thirdly, what's the point of taking the yellow off the chest when he's still got a yellow belt? On an all-black costume, wouldn't it make more sense to have the yellow on his chest and give him a BLACK belt? At least he could properly armor his chest that way, without the risk of getting shot in the crotch. This is one of the few things Batman Forever got exactly right, and if this movie is so keen to keep Batman in black, they should have followed that same basic approach (sans nipples and butt-shots, of course ). The way this design stands, the yellow around the waist is just begging a sniper to take aim at that area. Somehow I don't think this is very practical, as Batman probably doesn't want to wind up a soprano.

Color me unimpressed with this idea. Between this and the ugly Batmobile Nolan's using, my interest in this movie's starting to wane. It's starting to feel like more of the same stuff we got with Burton and Schumacher (neither of which I cared for) and less like B: TAS (which is what I was hoping for), and I'm starting to think that maybe I'm better off sticking with the comics, cartoons, serials, and the Adam West series instead. Then again, that may just be me.

Any thoughts on this suit design?

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