The thread about liberals hating President Bush seemed to be going off topic into whether or not they hate the United States.

So, rather than let that thread spiral off-topic any more than necessary, here is a corrollary thread: Do Liberals Hate America?

Richard Cohen, a liberal columnist for the Washington Post worries that they do. He writes:

    [The] tendency to blame America for the moral shortcomings of others unfortunately permeates the left and the Democratic Party.

    I got the first whiff of it after Sept. 11 when some people reacted to the terrorist attacks here by blaming U.S. policy -- in the Middle East specifically but around the world in general.

    The same sort of reasoning -- if it can be called that -- surfaced before and during the war with Iraq. Although I supported the war, I could always understand some of the arguments against it. But I could not understand those who said the war was about oil or empire or reconstruction contracts and who seemed to think that Saddam Hussein was the lesser of two evils -- the United States being the greater, of course.

    Below the surface of this reasoning seethes a perplexing animosity toward the United States -- not the people but the government and the economic system.

Then there's these pictures from recent American anti-war protests:

And the fact that the organizers of the "anti-war" movement are part of an anti-America group:

    The major anti-U.S. government demonstrations are organized by the Workers World Party, "Not in Our Name" and "International A.N.S.W.E.R."

    A.N.S.W.E.R. is an offshoot of the International Action Center, a front for the Worker's World Party.

    The Worker's World Party has existed for more than 30 years now and has always supported the enemies of the United States. The Workers World Party describes itself as Marxist in nature. The Workers World Party supports North Korea's brutal regime.

    Not in Our Name is financed by a million-dollar-a-year non-profit that supports Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Sami Al-Arian, charged with fundraising for terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Is Cohen right?

Do his fellow liberals "always blame America first"?

Last edited by the G-man; 2004-04-08 3:49 AM.