
Matter-eater Man said:
I would have to question if those signs are all truly from American antiwar protests. I can also tell you those are not typical of any signs I've seen here in Minneapolis. All the protests I've seen have been peaceful with signs more along the lines of this:

Amerika, One Nation Under Fraud


That sounds pretty anti-American to me.

As you probably know, the use of the spelling "Amerika" is a derogatory term, using the "k" in place of the "c" to signify facism or racism.


Asses of Evil (With pictures of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld)
Buck Fush *
Buck Fush!
Bush + Dick = Fucked
Bush is a Fatal Error
Bush is proof that empty warheads can be dangerous.
Bush is the True Threat
Bushes are for pissing on.
Fuck Bush and His Oil War *
Hey Dick! Your Monkey's Out Of Control!
I love my country but I hate this government.

So, you deny that liberals hate America, but apparently admit, given what you consider are "typical" or "representative" signs, that they hate President Bush?