
the G-man said:

Matter-eater Man said:
I was pointing out your examples were not representative from the signs I've seen. I can't speak for what is truly in your average protester's heart. If he's holding a sign bashing the President does it necessarily mean he hates the President or is he truly hating the policies of the President? Today's protest signs consisted mostly of "Bring the troops home"

Now, you're backtracking.

You provided a list of protest signs that you , MEM, said were representative of the actual views of the anti-war movement.

Apparently, however, either you didn't actually read the list, or hoped no one here would read the list, because a sizeable portion of those signs were, in fact, anti-American.

If anti-American signs are, as you stated, representative of the movement, then these protesters are anti-American.

No, I'm not backtracking, your changing what I've said. Here's what I said:
I would have to question if those signs are all truly from American antiwar protests. I can also tell you those are not typical of any signs I've seen here in Minneapolis. All the protests I've seen have been peaceful with signs more along the lines of this (Followed by long list of different signs plus the link with even more signs)
I think at best you're taking a few very extreme examples that fit with your reasoning but they certainly are not representative.

Please note I did not say they were representative of the antiwar movement but that I saw signs along those lines in my neck of the woods. To be more specific, I've seen some anti-Bush signs but not anti-American ones except for coverage of other country's antiwar protests or the Internet. It's very hard to see how you could honestly feel your examples were representative of all liberals? Was your mischaracterization intentional?

Fair play!