
the G-man said:
If by "America"; you mean the vision of the Founding Fathers, then I love America. But it’s hard to keep that vision in front of me when the majority of "Americans"are fundamentalist, fascistic, homophobic, racist, sexist, ignorant, American Idol-loving morons who think Bush is a strong leader.

While probably a bit of an exaggeration, I must say I find that statement very understandable. A lot of the people in this country(I don't feel entitled to discuss other countries, so I'll leave them out) are racist, sexist, homophobic and ignorant. Perhaps even I am some of those things, subconsciously, despite my best intentions. Every day I see something that affirm such a belief. However, I have no strong desire to leave the country, and I question just how much of the world is drastically better in this regard.

Please correct me if I'm off-base here, but I'm getting the feeling that you're presenting Pat Tillman being attacked as an example of the left-wing attacking the right-wing. Now, I didn't know the guy myself, but everything I've heard about him from his friends suggests to me that he was a fairly liberal man, himself. The "peace-loving hippie"(a quote from his former coach) kind that you seem to so vehemently despise. He simply wanted to feel like he was doing something that mattered, and that something wasn't going to be football.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.