
Animalman said:
You really like the word "vicious" don't you?
Everything's "vicious".

You viciously open the refridgerator door every morning.
Then viciously slide some bread into the toaster.

Not "everything" is vicious. I frequently use the word to
describe bitterly partisan and divisive liberal tactics.
And vicious describes those tactics very well.
It's not a word I've used to describe anything else.

    1. Having a nature of vice, evil, or immorality; depraved;
    2. Addicted to vice, immorality, or depravity; malicious;
    reprobate; evil.
    3. Characterized by spite or malice: vicious gossip.
    4. Failing to meet a standard or criterion; having fault,
    flaw or defect; a vicious syllogism.
    5. Impure, foul, diseased.
    6. Disposed to or characterized by violence or
    destructive behavior.
    7. Behaving in an unruly or potentially dangerous manner.
    8. Being of an extreme or intense degree: a vicious
    9. Natural disposition to malicious and destructive
    behavior, and often associated with moral depravity.

I gave color emphasis to the definitions specified in my
use of the word. It is a word very appropriate to the
liberal tactics I use it to describe.

As usual, animalman, your intent is to maliciously
discredit me through deceptive misrepresentation, rather
than to make any reasoned point. I ignored your earlier
attack a few days ago, because your pettiness truly
warrants no answer:

There's nothing I need to say. Your remarks are disproven
by my earlier comments in the topic, and by your own

You seem to really want a fight. But I really don't have
enough respect for your views to bother obliging you.

When you demonstrate an ability to discuss the issue,
instead of smear tactics and personal attacks that divert
from the issue, we can have a discussion.

That should be sometime after Hell freezes over.