
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
As usual, animalman, your intent is to maliciously discredit me through deceptive misrepresentation, rather
than to make any reasoned point. I ignored your earlier
attack a few days ago, because your pettiness truly
warrants no answer.

You seem to really want a fight. But I really don't have enough respect for your views to bother obliging you.

When you demonstrate an ability to discuss the issue,
instead of smear tactics and personal attacks that divert
from the issue, we can have a discussion.

That should be sometime after Hell freezes over.

No, DTWB. I tried using reason on you, a long time ago, again and again, and you simply deflected it and bombarded me with more "vicious"es and "malicious"es and "vitrol" and "smear tactics", words that seem to make up more than half your vocabulary.

I'm through treating you as a rational person, because you're quite clearly not. I don't want to "fight"(I'm sure a fight would merely consist of you using those catchphases of yours, anyway), I'd just like you to acknowledge how full of shit you are.

At the end of the day, if you think you occupy more than a moment of my time, you're sorely mistaken. In truth, the only time I spend with you in mind is time spent wondering how some people can be so articulate and well-read, yet be so ignorant and single-minded at the same time.

And no, it has nothing to do with politics. G-Man, wannabuyamonkey, bsams, rex, thedoctor, even Mr.JLA sometimes, I get where they're coming from. We don't always agree politically, but I still get what they're saying, and more importantly, why they're saying it. You, however, you seem to be more preoccupied with your own "war against those damn liberals" than anything else. I don't get that.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.