
Animalman said:
No, DTWB. I tried using reason on you, a long time ago,
again and again, and you simply deflected it and bombarded
me with more "vicious"es and "malicious"es and "vitrol"
and "smear tactics", words that seem to make up more than
half your vocabulary.

Well, excuse me for using the words malicious,
vicious, vitriol
and smear tactics to
accurately describe spineless and deceptive liberal
Just because you don't like the words, or
find my use of them in contrast to your own opinion, does
not allow you to dictate my ability to use those words.

And I'm not the only conservative on these boards to use
those words, much as you'd like to accuse me of being
fanatical in my views in using those words.
I hasten to add that many liberals on these boards
have used those words as well.

If you "get" the views of G-man, britneyspearsatemyshorts,
MisterJLA, etc., and treat them more respectfully (which I
certainly don't see evident in your prior posts, or
theirs ) then goody for you.
I think you don't get my views because you don't want

It's certainly not a fault of mine, I've stated my
views clearly and in considerable detail.

And as I've said many times in the "It's not about oil
or Iraq.."
topic and others, there are plenty of
Democrats and liberals who do not resort to
divisive rhetoric and smear tactics who I do have
respect for, including Joseph Biden and Joseph Lieberman,
Sam Nunn and others.

As I've said many times and you choose to ignore, I
think both sides have valid ideas, and I resent the
current climate where Democrats/liberals slander, demonize
and smear Republicans, and then act like it's Republicans
who are being divisive.

But of course, you choose to deceitfully misrepresent me as
hating all Democrats and liberals, ignoring that I've
posted my respect for the valued opinions of Lieberman,
Biden, Nunn and others.

The liberalism I hate is the deliberate misrepresentation
and attempts to sweepingly invalidate my vews through
deceitful charicatures and misrepresentation that you've
demonstrated in the last few posts.

It's not "all liberals" I despise. It's deceitful
liberal jerks like you !


animalman said:
I'm through treating you as a rational person, because
you're quite clearly not. I don't want to "fight" (I'm
sure a fight would merely consist of you using those
catchphases of yours, anyway), I'd just like you to
acknowledge how full of shit you are.

Have you EVER treated me with respect ?!?

I hate responding to your posts, because you are so locked
into your opinion.

I've seen you do the same thing in the COMICS and MEDIA
sections that you do in the DEEP THOUGHTS section, where
you just repeat your opinion and re-state your attacks
like 12 times, whether it's world issues, or someone
expresses distaste for a movie or comic book that you
like. You're obsessive as hell.
And you just beat it to death and never let go, sucking
anyone who exchanges posts with you to the bottom.


animalman said:
At the end of the day, if you think you occupy more than a
moment of my time, you're sorely mistaken. In truth, the
only time I spend with you in mind is time spent wondering
how some people can be so articulate and well-read, yet be
so ignorant and single-minded at the same time.

What is this psycho-babble ?!?

You basically declare holy war on me, then claim you don't
spend a moment of your time with my opinion ?
On the contrary, you seem pathologically obsessed
with my opinion.

All I did was state an opinion on the issue.

You're the one calling me names, and
"foaming at the mouth", as you accused me of two
days ago, in the Michael Moore topic I linked:

1) I state an opinion on the issue.
2)You launch a personal attack on me for my opinion of
the issue.

3)And then, laughably, you call this treating me "rationally"?!?

You, sir, are the one who is so full of shit.


animalman said:
And no, it has nothing to do with politics. G-Man,
wannabuyamonkey, bsams, rex, thedoctor, even Mr.JLA
sometimes, I get where they're coming from. We don't
always agree politically, but I still get what they're
saying, and more importantly, why they're saying it. You,
however, you seem to be more preoccupied with your
own "war against those damn liberals" than anything else.
I don't get that.

Oh, what a crock !

Your past posts toward G-man, BSASMS, Rex, Mr JLA, etc.,
certainly demonstrate no more respect than you've shown
for my views.

You launched personal attacks on me here and in the
previous Michael Moore topic, instead of discussing
the issue, and then act like I attacked you, instead
of the other way around, as the situation truly is.

It would please me to no end if you'd just ignore my posts,
and fuck off.