
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
I'll grant that you demonstrated a degree of respect, a surface veneer of politeness, but there is still condescension and a subtle undertone of you're-a-nut-to-believe-what-you-beleive in the way you addressed me in the gay marriage topic you linked.

Maybe with the "oh, I thought we were having a discussion" comment, but that was only after you snapped at me. I still treated your comments with respect, while you rarely did.


CLEARLY, I was saying that liberals who wax philosophic in arguments that bypass reality (that in wars, American soldiers die, enemy soldiers and civilians die, that wars are messy and mistakes are made in even the most just of wars... ) would see things differently if forced to live in a repressive Nazi-like Muslim state.

No, that wasn't "clear", considering that's not what you said, nor what you've consistently said, in nearly every one of your posts.


You (Animalman) feigned mild disagreement with Moore, while saying you agreed with the premise of the movie, and found much of it factual.
That, sir, is doublespeak. You either approve of Moore's propaganda attacks or you don't.

1.I don't feign anything, and yet again, as you've done countless times, assuming that how I really feel and how I say I feel are two seperate things, then, furthering the insult, telling me how I feel. I've defended Michael Moore some, and I've also blasted Michael Moore some. I stated the aspects of F9/11 that I liked, and the aspects that I didn't.

2.I never, ever said that I found "much" of Moore's films to be factual.

3.I really don't care about what you consider to be his "propaganda attacks". To me, it's a film. Not a political talk show.


So once again, if the core Democrat leadership is initiating these divisive attacks, what evidence is there that these slanderous tactics are not the standard of Democrats nationwide?!?

The fact that not all liberals are Democrats(myself, and most of my friends, included)? The fact that I find politicians to be about as representative of the general population as I do Texas Chainsaw Massacre representative of southern behavior?


And once again, where is this mythical group of liberals who are critical of these tactics, of slandering Bush and Republicans with baseless vitriol ?

There's that word again!

I don't know how you expect me to answer this one. I think that if they really saw some of the criticism of Bush as baseless, they wouldn't approve.


As I said, while I don't think you ever truly gave respect for my opposing views, you were at least more polite on the surface, while dismissing my views over and over with a how-can-you-possibly-believe-what-you-believe condescending tone.

You characterize me in this long quote-and-spin of the excerpted Gay Marriage topic as leaping at every attempt to admonish you, but ignore that I tried to politely answer all your questions, until you repeatedly dismissed my arguments and just re-stated your abundantly already stated perspective, while dismissively deflecting mine.
And completely wore out my patience.

I never "dismissed" your arguments. I questioned certain parts(what normally happens in a discussion), asking for clarification, elaboration or explanation of other parts where I felt it was needed. I suppose the place where we disagree the most, is to the extent in which you've answered those questions. You seem to think it's clear that you have, I think it's clear that you haven't.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.