
animalman said:

I never "dismissed" your arguments. I questioned certain parts (what normally happens in a discussion), asking for clarification, elaboration or explanation of other parts where I felt it was needed. I suppose the place where we disagree the most, is to the extent in which you've answered those questions. You seem to think it's clear that you have, I think it's clear that you haven't.

With all due respect, if I leave 10 or more detailed posts with examples in response to your inquiries (as I respectfully did in the Gay Marriage topic, until you wore out my patience, after many polite and lengthy responses on my part) and you still don't get it, or choose not to get it, then it's a waste of my time to post further.

You didn't simply "question certain parts" of my comments to that topic, you just repeatedly dismissed my views, and re-stated your own views, over and over. It was an endless circle, which I opted out of.

Your posts here in this topic are directed at me, and I'm still bored with this exchange.

It's lengthy line-by-line deconstruction of what you subjectively/angrily/inaccurately believe I meant in my posts.
And I think I was clear enough in my posts to the many political topics I've posted to, in detailing precisely what I believe, what I object to in the debating tactics of a vast percentage of liberals in general, and of a few abrasive liberals on the RKMB boards in particular.

And your inability to understand my profusely explained perspective will not be resolved by another 1120 posts or so on my part.

You have an opinion. I have an opinion. Let's learn to deal with it.