From the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Thistle, self-described as “an alternative news collective,” here’s a cartoon that seems to dispute the notion of “support our troops, not the war” Victory to the Iraqi Resistance.

And this lovely little article, " Hold Your Head High, You are in Fallujah!":

    The debate during the Vietnam war was built around the question, “Can we win in Vietnam” rather than, “Why are we attacking a defenseless nation?” This time, in Iraq, if the debate admits the obvious moral question, “How are we freeing Iraqis by bombing them with cluster bombs?” then less excuses will be available to people like bin Laden to justify another September 11. If this doesn’t happen, then the American public need no longer ask “why do they hate us?” They will know why. At the very least, this public can demand to hear a clear statement from the so-called Democratic opposition candidate, John Kerry, that he opposes the war and would withdraw the forces from Iraq, as did the new Prime Minister of Spain?

    As far as the progressive and radical elements of the US opposition, can they be brave and take the side of the victims of Uncle Sam? Can they build their argument on something more than expressing concern for the safety of US military personnel? Can they take their position further than opposing the war simply because of the horror of soldiers returning in body bags? Can they instead openly support the right of the Iraqis to resist?

    This time, Rambo, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Hollywood will have to do a lot of acting and lying to restore the image of the American military hero and his adventures abroad.

    The US can lie all it wants about those who are resisting in Iraq and about what is really happening, but one thing is for sure: Uncle Sam knows what kind of losses he is suffering. The bigger the lie, the harder the downfall will be.

    The whole world owes Fallujah a tribute. Through the sacrifice of Iraqi fighters, the entire world has been shown the bloodsucking nature of US empire. The resistance in Fallujah is a lesson to all who choose to resist a life of oppression.

    During a TV interview , one of the resistance members of Fallujah said: “We will fight until our last bullet, our last drop of blood. We hold our heads high in the sky, because we are in Al-Fallujah.”