Was I snide G-man?

Perhaps it has something to do with tiring of seeing this thread being bumped up constantly whenever the news starts turning unfavourably towards Republicans. Then suddenly the "liberals hate America", "liberals hate God", "Liberals hate the flag" "liberals hate the troops", Liberals this, liberals that, distraction machine gears up from the Republican side.

The GOP playbook is whenever you're on the defensive, change the conversation to where you're on the offensive against the people who have you on the defense. As the whole Amnsesty Internation/Red Cross/Sen. Durbin situations show.

Forgive me if I don't want to play that game or if i'm wary of you actually wanting to hear any actual exchange of ideas between me and the other "liberal". He has his own ideas of the troops. I have mine. You can either choose to accept them or not. I want them back home from this unneccesary war built on lies. Jay has his own ideas about the troops. Which is his right.

Plus as i've said in the Iraq thread, the right wing hate and delusion has grown downright bizzare to where ANYONE who disagrees with Bush, regardless of their party or politics, is now branded a "liberal" (in the pejorative sense of course). As this demonstrates. It'd be funny if the stakes wearn't so grave..


Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, a Republican, defended his efforts to examine the political slant of programming, saying that the CPB had a responsibility to ensure balance on the taxpayer-supported system.

Minutes before he spoke, 16 Democratic senators released a letter asking President Bush to remove the presidential appointee from his post at the CPB, a nonprofit that distributes federal funds to public television and radio stations. They accused Tomlinson of "undermining, underfunding and ultimately undoing its mission."

Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York said Tomlinson issued a relatively tepid statement last week when the House Appropriations Committee approved a 46% cut to public broadcasting and noted that he hired an outside consultant to monitor the content of the program "Now" last year, when Bill Moyers was the host.

The consultant, Fred Mann, categorized segments as "pro-Bush" and "anti-Bush," according to copies of the reports obtained by Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.). Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, a frequent White House critic, was labeled "liberal" because he questioned Bush's policy in Iraq.

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor To comfort the powerless and make the powerful uncomfortable.