
wannabuyamonkey said:

magicjay38 said:

What does recycling have to do with this topic? I find an underlying theme of paranoia in most of your posts.

Acctually I just treat the boards like an ongoing social circle of debate. I may bring up something that wasn;t necessarily mentioned in the previous post because it speaks to a trend. you'll note that in the post following yours UID answered my challege reasonably. So I wasn't imaginging it.


Let's be honest. The religious rightiousness and moral fervour that conservatives bring to their positions are a subtrafuge to obscure the truly base motives behind their positions.

Which is? being a religious conservitive I'm just dying to hear what I REALY think.

I love it when people have such an elitist pompasity as to presume what other peoples motives are. I await with breathless anticipation to hear from a man with the power to see inside another's soul.

It's a Witch thing...a gift from the Goddess, Jesus boy! Blessed Be The Goddess.

This goes to the core of my beliefs about government, history and economics. You can read about it in my forthcoming book Why Everything Sucks. It will be packaged with an introductory presciption for Zoloft. But the sad truth is IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. The real argument between Liberals and Conservatives is about how to best to divy it up. Conservatives believe in a top down approach (dress it up and call it supply side economics) and Liberals favour a bottom up approach (also known as a welfare state). Because the original ideas of those enlightenment thinkers who dreamed up our government were perverted to include the lumpen proletariat, politicians need to dream up ways to gain the support of the plebs without letting them in on the true purpose of the game, dividing up the money.

Repubs want to divide it up so that the upper echelons of society get a larger share of the spoils. Dems want to give more to the lower echelons. The goal of both approaches is to create more wealth to divy up. So they build a coalition with the plebs by stirring them up with horseshit issues like gay marriage, abortion and morality. It makes them feel loyal to the side they've aligned with and they won't pay attention to where the money is going. Those are the 'base motives' of which I speak. For Repub plebs, they've managed to convince them that Repub tax breaks benefit them!

Extend the dividing up the money thing and you've got the war in Iraq! Bringing Democracy to the Iraqi people my ass. How can you believe that nonsense? It's about who controls the most important commodity of our age, beginning circa 1870. Read a book called The Prize. You'll gain a whole new perspective on this conflict. It's a history not a polemic like Why Everythin Sucks

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." John Stuart Mill America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.