oh gosh i wish i read this whole thread. sounds really interesting.

heres my two cents worth... (if someone already pointed this out then just ignore it i guess lol)

the problem i find in the whole liberal, conservitive, lableing thing is that people only think of one extreme or the other. most people think of liberal as america hateing, anti governerment, protest starting, no war, hippies.. and most people think of conservatives as god loveing, tucked shirt, no fun, narrowminded, christian going, stuckups...

they never think the middle ground, just like the media, (dont get me started on that.) anyway, my hubby-to-be considers him self a liberal and he consisters me a conservative (but i consister myself a no nothing cause i always look to answers in poltices indivitually.) but anyway now, my hubby-to-be is not the extreme, he loves his country and is happy to live here he just has problems with certain issues. people are always telling him that he hates his counrty and then they hate him because of it, but thats not true its the way most liberals tell there passions in policts that get them a bad rap.

you can be a libaral and still love your country, you can be a conservative and still be open minded.

i think if more people would stop thinking of only the extremes, (black or white, good or bad,love or hate, has to be this or has to be that, cut and dry) and stop focusing on the negitive, things would be alot better off and people would start being more considerate.

well there it is for what its worth

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!