Interesting that liberals, post-2004-election, with their "Jesusland" maps carving up America to suit their own spiteful political contempt for those who don't share their views...

...demonstrate the same mindset as domestic U.S. Islamic organizations (i.e., enemies within our borders, whose first loyalty is to the enemies who wish to destroy us), in their eagerness to slice up America. As demonstrated in this map from an Islamic website :

Interesting also that, compared to the U.S., Canada has a much larger Muslim population --arguably an out-of-control level of Muslim immigration-- that 60 Minutes in one of their news stories called "an Islamic aircraft carrier, within striking distance of the United States".
Domestic Muslims recognize the usefulness of complacent liberal majorities in the Blue States, and envision absorbing them into a like-minded Muslim-laden Canada.

Liberals in the U.S., with their contempt-filled divisive rhetoric, passively support the goals of those who wish to not just divide us politically, but envision splitting the nation territorially.