
r3x29yz4a said

Go for the southern Klans and uneducated small towns where they still ban Tom Sawyer. Take your morals=oppression BS and leave us the fuck alone.
Now you'll probably take offense to that because you were being so nice with your anti-liberal bullshit.

w00t! We got us a new Rafactâ„¢.

First off the Book that's banned is Huck Finn not Tom Sawer and the places where it's been banned are all sensitve liberal types. Massachusetts, Conneticut and Washington DC to name a few. Huck fin is typically banned for the use of the word "nigger" claiming that the frequent use of the word classifies the book as racist. Even though the book is patently anti-racist.

This just goes to show that you are every bit the ignorant bigot you accuse others of being. You make assumptions about the south that are false because you know nothing about them. You hear about a classic work of literature and you assume that because you assume they're ignorant and fear having thier views challenged, when infact it turns out that it's your own side that demonstrated ignorance towards the works of Twain.

If i had neither the ability to speak or to type and I was asked to make the best case I could for conservitives and against liberals with my limited abilities I would simply point at Ray.

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