I really don't have the energy to go round and round with you tonight. I would only like to address this one point:

Wonder Boy said:
Several I've talked to, while peaceful, expressed a vision that they will (in a war of ideas, rather than guns) convert the entire United States population into Muslims. They seemed oblivious to how this could be offensive to me, a Christian, living in a nation that is founded on the Bible and Christian principles.

You do realize that Christianity has a long and bloody history of forced conversions, right? In fact the Christian Americas was founded on bloodshed and forcing "heathens" to convert.
Maybe the feeling you have of being attacked by outside beliefs trying to subvert yours is a paranoid sense of karma.
Me personally, I put about as much stock in a massive muslim conspiracy to overthrow christianity as i do in a jewish conspiracy to control the media and banking.
Yeah there are terrorists who are muslim, there's also the ira, and those guys in wyoming and montana with bunkers and guns, and you could argue the israelis do terrorist acts.
no religion of the big 3 is free of fringe evil elements.

Bow ties are coool.