But terrorism didn't decide Spain's policy. The previous Govt.'s lies about who was responsible for it after the fact sealed their fate. They reaped the whirlwind for their outright duplicity just a few days before the election.

Now contrary to some opinion that has Spain running away with their tails between their legs, fear didn't cause this policy shift, it was anger. Anger at the duplicity regarding "basque sepratists" but also the aforementioned 90% opposition to the Iraq war in the 1st place. Just because you see Iraq as somehow being against the fight on terror doesn't mean everyone shares that opinion. Terrorists targeting countries for their participation in Iraq is just a justification IMO. the correct response is not to stay in a war your people don't beleive in but to fight the terrorists!

Now I agree, the timing sucked. I also agree that a good response shold be that after leaving Iraq, send a large contingent over to the wastelands of Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to Yemen and wherever else these terrorists are ALLOWED to hide. But then I think that should also be our policy as well.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-04-24 9:54 PM.