I like the French for what they're doing. They not obeying American foreign policy as if its an imperial directive. They say more countries should be involved in Iraq's rehabilitation through the UN.

France shares concepts of liberty, democracy and fair play like the US. You should have remorse for the French victims of terrorist attacks in the same way that the French had genuine sympathy with the US after 9/11.

Everyone in the US seems to have forgotten this: When 9/11 happened, the French and Germans activated their treaty obligations under NATO.

This obligation means that the attack on the United States was regarded by France and Germany, and the rest of NATO, as an attack on themselves.

Think about that. These people were willing to go to war in retaliation for 9/11. If that attack had come from, say, Russia, they would have been lining up tanks on Russia's border.

How can you say that you regard them with such bitterness because they just disagreed with the nature of the war with Iraq? It makes no sense to me.

The 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia. It was their society which bred these people. If you want to be angry at anyone, be angry at the Saudis.

Pimping my site, again.
