love or hate france, a victim is a victim, and you shouldn't revel in their death.


whomod said:
Bottom line is that they dared question the Administration and therefore they reap the vitrol that inevatibly comes with doing that.

somehow different than those who dare agree with the admin, "so sayeth the idealouge zealots."


Dave said:
the United States was regarded by France and Germany, and the rest of NATO, as an attack on themselves.

thats what the treaty says, tis true.

but whether or not it was acted upon in this instance is debatable, considering no such deployment was made. not that i fault france and/or germany for this -- its not like it was russia, or some other tangible force that could be confronted.

its certainly not as powerful to say, "well, we woulda"


rexstardust said:
Fuck spain.
Fuck anyone that lets terrorists bully them around.

to repeat my thoughts from here, leaving iraq is probably the natural reaction.

losing a few hundred loved ones in an enormous terrorist attack will, of course, cause a quick reaction to protect, and ensure safety. and no decision more quickly affirms immediate safety than leaving iraq.

you can't fault the decision.

but its that kinda decision that terrorists both expect and need to be succesful: spreading terror.

to have the resolve to maintain an offensive pressure on terrorists is both a little ballsy and a little crazy. its also incredibly difficult and, as seen with madrid, incredibly unpopular. that decision ensures more deaths, thus inviting criticism.

but it also ensures a chance at a better future. the only chance at defeating terrorism. the only chance at restoring peace from terrorism.

absolutely a tough choice, but, i feel, one with an easy answer.

would spain hold its resolve and stand strong against terrorism, it would make a blanket statement against all terrorist groups (be it the new found al qaeda targetting or the 40 previous years of ETA).

if al qaeda scores this "victory" over spain, its essentially a gain for ETA (via the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" property)

giant picture