Dave's been tokin' up again.

But seriously, I get where you're coming from, Dave. I just happen to think that a complete withdrawal - especially as rapidly as Spain withdrew - sent the wrong message to whatever terrorists might be out there. They're saying that if you kill enough of their innocent civilians, they'll eventually give up and go home. I don't think that's what they intend to come across as at all, but it's just really bad timing.

If you think about it, we're being very humane in comparison to the opposition when it comes to fighting this war. So many steps are being taken to minimize collateral damage. The US could be using fuel-air explosives to incinerate any suspicious-looking group of people out in the desert. They could poison the groundwater of towns suspected to be harboring terrorists. Hell, they could just turn the whole country into a radioactive parking lot (although that'd never happen except in the absolute worst-case scenario). But they're not.

Just a side note.


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