Bob Wayne crashes Bendis' panel in Chicago
from CBR

Bendis continued, "So this year, me and Ed Brubaker started talking about it. Batman versus Bullseye. Elektra versus Catwoman. Yeah, a lot of cool shit. Everyone was excited, a lot of people said they'd do it for free -- let's just get this shit done, let's get it green-lit. But (DC President, Publisher) Paul Levitz said no."

Bendis was apparently about to appeal to fans to plead with DC Comics to get the project approved. But then, like Batman crashing through a skylight, an unexpected visitor burst into the room.

"That's not entirely true!" Wayne called from the doorway.

Bendis asked for the visitor to identify himself, and once Wayne did, he was invited to join Bendis at the front of the room.

"May I continue?" Bendis asked.

"Yes. As long as you understand the premise that I think you're incorrect."

Bendis went on to say that he did call Levitz personally, and that Levitz cited Quesada personally as the reason the DD/Batman book could not go on.

"And that's not a good reason," Bendis said. "That's a personal reason. We could do this book without those two ever even speaking to each other."

Wayne then effectively supported what Bendis said.

"The impression I have is that we expressed an interest in it, and that Brian would be involved... and we'll do it, as soon as Joe is not at Marvel anymore," said Wayne.

The crowd, quick to react, was assured by Bendis that this was not a publicity stunt or a staged event. There was not actually a Batman/DD book in the can and they were just trying to drum up excitement. In fact, according to the two, this was the first time they had ever spoken.

Why does DC management have a problem with Quesada? The only snippet Wayne would offer was to hint about the way Quesada was conducting business, and then he specifically mentioned a story in the New York Observer in which Quesada was quoted.

"We're down to one person we want to see gone from Marvel, there used to be two," said Wayne. "If you could speed up getting (Quesada) out the door..."

Though Wayne had some harsh words, the mood was fairly cordial between the two. Then things momentarily got a little nasty.

"Did Micah Wright write this up for you?" Wayne asked, questioning the way Bendis was taking this issue straight to the fans.

"I don't know Micah Wright -- you work with him," Bendis bit back. "There's no good reason for this. You're just mad that Joe's kicking your ass."

"That's not the core type of problem... but the type of interview in the New York Observer," Wayne said.

Eventually the crowd became involved, when someone shouted "It'd be better than Dark Knight 2!"

Bendis quickly settled the crowd, stating that he didn't want this to become a DC-bashing panel, and that he hopes to one day write for DC.

Wayne put in the final word, and told the fans that the conditions did not exist where DC could do this project with Marvel. Bendis thanked Wayne for coming to the panel, and the two shook hands on stage. Before Wayne left, he gave Bendis his card.