I just finished watching an all-region, subtitled, un-cut version of Jackie Chan's "Project A" for the second time. I often prefer original Chinese version to the American versions.

I'm currently in the process of trying to unload my collection of American versions of Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies on VHS, which are dubbed and significantly cut, and I wanna use the money to buy the original Chinese versions, for seveal reasons:

1) The dubbing is so atrocious that it ruins the entire movie for me. I don't mind English subtitles - I've seen enough subtitled movies where I can read subtitles and follow action at the same time.

2) American versions often take HUGE chunks out of the movie and change the script to Westernize it. Disney and New Line are notortious for this. If I'm gonna watch a movie, I wanna see the whole thing. Besides, Disney and New Line didn't make the movies - what right do they have to take stuff out of them?

BTW, it's actually illegal to buy the original versions of these movies WORLDWIDE - including in China and Hong Kong! Disney bought the rights to them, and only their versions are allowed to be sold. And they only sell the edited dubbed versions, and refuse to release the movies as they were originally presented.

If you don't believe me, go here: http://alliance.hellninjacommando.net/purpose.htm. This is a website called The Web Alliance For The Respectful Treatment Of Asian Cinema, which appeals to Hollywood movie studios to release Asian movies as they are, un-cut and in their original langauge.

"Well when I talk to people I don't have to worry about spelling." - wannabuyamonkey "If Schumacher’s last effort was the final nail in the coffin then Year One would’ve been the crazy guy who stormed the graveyard, dug up the coffin and put a bullet through the franchise’s corpse just to make sure." -- From a review of Darren Aronofsky & Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One" script