Alright penissa, there were some good parts of the movie. I thought Will Smith and the fat white guy were funny together. Other than that the movie was horrible.

Now for some of the horrible parts.
Will Smith fucking jumped on a fucking moving car and did not get fucking hurt.
The only conflict in the movie was because the main characters were lying to each other and couldn't sort out a simple misunderstanding.
Will Smith fucking kicked that chick in the face and knocked her into a polluted river, then reminded her of the most embarrassing part of her family history.
The chick the fat guy was in love with was not attractive. If she was attractive like the movie wanted us to believe, she would have absolutely nothing to do with him.
The fat guy quit his job over a chick he could never get in real life.
The whole movie says its good to lie about your job to someone your in love with.
Its a goddamned chick flick.
There were no boobies in it.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.