
harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
You just dont get it thats all.

I get that it's boring!


Comparing it to Family guy is like comparing Monty Python to Friends, both comedies, but complete opposites of eachother!

I used FG and other examples only to show that there are other cartoons out there that are geared towards adults that are funny.

Which quite frankly, I find boring!
They dont push the envelope anything like Ren & Stimpy!
I wouldnt even compare Ren & Stimpy to adult cartoons like South Park as its just totally on a different level.
Both are funny, but their only similarity is they are cartoons!

Ren & Stimpy is a sureal comedy more akin to live action comedies like Monty Python.

I say you find it boring cause you just dont get what the creators are doing.
If you are more in tune with the likes of Family guy, Simpsons & Futurama etc, then so be it, but quite frankly, for me, they are the boring ones as they are too linear in their humour!