Ok, so I got my copy of Superman Returns in the post this morning, so finally got round to seeing it.
Now I will be the first to admit that Superman is quite possibly my least favourite superhero of all time, but the first two Superman films have a special place in my heart as I went to see the first movie at the cinema when it came out, and as an 8 year old, the film blew me away.
The second one of course featured the Phantom zone criminals, so that got extra points as well!

Now, I had heard this new film continued on from 2, and ignored 3 & 4 ever existed, which obviously isnt a bad thing.

First opinions going in was that I didnt like the look of Routh of Bosworth as Supes & Lois, but Spacey was perfect as Luthor!
Upon watching the movie, my opinion remains unchanged!

Routh is just too skinny as Superman & as Clark he looks almost plastic.
And as for Bosworth, she neither looked like a Lois Lane or acted like a Lois Lane.
Both Kidder & Hatcher were awesome, and natural as Lois, but Bosworth could have been called "Random chick" for all I cared.

Langella, a guy who I do like, just didnt say "Perry White" to me either.

Spacey though, was awesome as Lex, so of course he didnt get anywhere near enough screen time.

Special mention should go to the guy who played Jimmy Olsen, who I felt was perfect for the role.

And just as a quick question, Parker Posey seemed to be playing an almost identical role to the Miss Testmarker (sp?) character from years ago.

Now I was incredibly happy to hear the theme music remained unchanged, as it is an important part of linking this to the original movies, and defo brings back memories of better times.

As for the story, I found myself incredibly bored during the first hour or so, as like Batman Begins, they stretched this movie out longer than would be normal, to fit in all the backstory, but unlike Batman Begins, there was nothing here to really grab the audience, and was to dull & slow paced!

Once you get into the meat & potatoes of the film, it just seemed like a rehash of the older Superman movies.
As much as we accept Luthor as Supermans main nemesis, it would be nice to see Supes go up against someone equal to, or more powerful than himself to create some great fight scenes.
I mean, with modern special effects, how many people would love to see a return of Non, Ursa & Zod?
There are so many other enemies to draw on from Supermans rogues gallery that would make an interesting protagonist in a movie!

While I felt the film wasnt bad, it could have been so much better.

Rather than watching a new film, I felt I was watching a remake of the first film.

I know its unfair to compare Routh to Reeve, but it cant be helped, and quite frankly he didnt hold a candle to him!
As sad as it sounds, purely based on "the look", I'd have rather seen Dean Cain return fer fucksake!