
Nowhereman said:
With christmas presents and a buncha stuff I ordered from Amazon etc, my to watch pile is rather large.
Slowly working my way through:
Only fools and horse series 4
Only fools and horse series 5
Only fools and horse series 6
Only fools and horse series 7
Heavens prisoners
Superman 1-4 box set
Hots shots/Hot shots part deux
King of beggars
Quantum leap season 5
Charlies Angels
Charlies Angels 2:Full throttle
Over the hedge
House party
Mission Impossible 2
Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead mans chest
Hard target
Wheels on meals
Waking up in Reno
Escape from LA
Escape from New York
Naked gun trilogy
Cool surface

Are there any DVDs you don't own?

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.