
Nonoxynol9 said:
If commenting on the subject topic and sharing my opinion of the new suit is "picky", and if that makes me a "nerd", then so be it.

I have a right to critique the Batsuit. I'm a fan. I enjoy discussing it.



P.S. Why do people always have to resort to gay-oriented Batman/Robin jokes? It's been done as many times as Madonna's holes. It's not really all that funny anymore.

I find it interesting that you responded as if I were singling you out, alone from the pack.

P.S. The jokes are prevalent, because it is so evident within the Bat mythology (not to mention, it's the fastest way to get Rob's panties in a wad..... )

And the Madonna jokes are old. Sheesh.

Pariah, I am ASHAMED of you! How dare you not take the normal bait. I expect better of you, young man....