i didn't think the commentary was aimed towards me because the first thing i said was "the suit is very cool." i have my nitpicks, sure. i cant figure how anyone doesnt -- we are talking about comic book fans.

the suit in the third movie had some cool aspects -- namely the solid color and larger emlbem. but, of course, the nipples and credit cards introduced through out the last two were horrible. the second movie had a decent suit, though also had those weird stylized abs. the first movie's suit was great, but even that wasn't without its little problems for me -- the symbol was wrong (!!) and the belt was too bright. the new suit has a better symbol, better coloring, and better belt. my only nitpicks were on the muscle form.

similar nitpicks come with the car. i liked the 89 batmobile the best. the second movie modified it unnecessarily. the third and fourth were retarded. i think this movie's batmobile looks very cool, though.

mostly, i think this new movies batsuit and batmobile are organically designed for a reason: this is the beginning. its batman starting out, not knowing everything. maybe the stylized abs allow for greater flexability, or something. its all new to him. the car looks like he patched it together himself, and im sure there's a reason for that, too -- he probably did. i'm fine with all of this stuff.

at the end of it, i really couldn't give a fuck about the suit or the car or whatever. the movie looks kick ass.

giant picture