
Pierce Brosnan has said in an interview that he will not continue to play James Bond, after newspaper reports suggested he was being edged out of the role.
Brosnan said the role was "behind him" and criticised the series' producers. The comments appeared after stories in British newspapers at the weekend claiming those same producers had decided to dispense with Brosnan's services.

In an interview posted on the website of US magazine Entertainment Weekly, the actor remarked: "Bond is another lifetime behind me," and said "[We] went out on a high ... I look back affectionately at that time and doing those four movies."

Brosnan then spoke less affectionately of the Bond producers, saying that: "They don't know how to move on. A sense of paralysis has set in."

"That's it," the actor then commented. "I've said all I've got to say on the world of James Bond."

Brosnan's remarks come after Scotland's Sunday Mail claimed this weekend that the actor was to be "pensioned off" by producers keen to find a younger actor in order to develop a less gadget-heavy approach to Bond.

The story also suggested that Brosnan's financial demands were a contributory factor in the decision.

This is not, however, the first time that the end of Brosnan's run as 007 has apparently been nigh. In 2001, prior to filming Die Another Day, rumours the actor had left the series and would be replaced by Hugh Jackman were so rife that producers were forced to issue a formal denial. This time around, the X-Men star is not expected to be in line should Brosnan vacate the role. Franchise producers are said to favour the likes of Ewan McGregor, Jude Law or Clive Owen.

The next Bond film - currently still under the working title of Bond 21 - is scheduled for release in late 2005.