though at one point the holiest of holy, sacrediest of sacred... christmas, at least in america, has lost most, if not all, of its soverignty. if you wanna consider it a shopping season, a decorative season, a family gathering season... they're all apt.

but the notion that it is a religious holiday is more or less over, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if the latter, afore mentioned atribute denoting family/friend orientation is what is being pushed.

christmas is, really, the american holiday. not that its not celebrated elsewhere or even that its celebrated not as large elsewhere ... i just mean that everyone in america seems to celebrate christmas, whether they're supposed to or not.

many of my friends growing up were jewish or athiest or asian or whatever. certainly not christian, or anything resembling. but it didn't matter, they'd still watch all the christmas specials on tv. they'd still enjoy, and even partake, in the decorating. its not at all uncommon for a jewish family to have a christmas tree (or plant, at least).

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