
Animalman said:

I guess I don't see it as Christians being "too PC". If they want to say Merry Christmas to fellow Christians, great. I just think that if a person is speaking to a person of a particular faith, and wishes to acknowledge that person's beliefs, they should use the expression that fits. Saying "Happy Holidays" is just a way of covering all the bases.

It applies to everyone. If I'm speaking to a Jewish person, I'll say Happy Hanakkah. If I'm speaking to a Christian person, I'll say Merry Christmas. If I'm speaking to Frank Costanza, I'll say Jovial Festivus.

I thought it might interest a few people here. I certainly understand your POV. Why assume everyone celebrated the holiday I did in a month containing multiple religious feasts? Why say something that might make someone feel left out in a season of supposed goodwill?

So I totally agree with you. To Christians, I'll say Merry Christmas. To Jewish people, i'd say Happy Hanukah or simply Happy Holidays. As with the cheerleader story I just posted, It's all a matter of showing the same respect you wish others to show you.