To point something out to Animal Man.

You don't always know what religion a person is just by looking at them. For instance, take a retail worker, and speaking as someone that spent 6 years working in reatail I'm speaking from expereince here....

If I were to wish someone a Merry Chirstmas I'm not pushing my religious beliefs down anyones throats and forcing threm to go to church or anything, I'm 1, stating my freedom in this county to show my support of my religous holiday, and 2, pointing out that it's the Christmas season, to me at least. I don't know just by looking at someone if they're Christians, Jews, Wican, Athiests, Egnostics, etc.

The world in general has become overly sensitive, you can't say anything without offending someone because some higher up is easily offended/overly sensitive, and there for forcing the rest of us to walk on eggshells because they can't handle people expressing themselves in a non offensive yet perfectly normal way.

The way people are forcing the holiday season to be secular is just more proof that people are forcing the world in general to being more secular. Whatever happend to freedom of religion in this country? It doesn't seem to exsits anymore because I keep hearing stories of legitimate lawsuits or whatver, against Christians or Christiainity in general, especially this time of year.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.