
rex said:

whomod said:
I find it amazing that in this day and age, peoples religion can still be effectively manipulated for political gain. Be it in the middle east with radical islam to here in America, where we think we're more sophiosticated than that.

Yes, because we are killing people that call this time of year the Christmas season.

No. My point was that people are allowing others to inflame their passions by using their faith and using the idea that it's somehow under attack.

As it is in the middle east against the notion of modernity encroaching on their faith so is it here with this notion of secularism being on the march against us. Which of course serves the purpouse of inflaming people to push back against this perceived threat to their core beleifs.

Holy wars? In this time of peace on earth, goodwill towards men? I don't think so.

Again, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANNUKAH HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG and tell the demagouges to fuck off for a week or 2.