
Batwoman said:

rex said:

whomod said:
No. My point was that people are allowing others to inflame their passions by using their faith and using the idea that it's somehow under attack.

Its nowhere near the same thing. I keep forgetting that you know better than that.

Exactly. We're talking about religous displays and sayings here, specifically. NOT the crap that goes on in the Middle East. and believe you me, I know better than anyone on these boards what's going on there. Or have you forgotten that I'm Middle Eastern?

It's EXACTLY the same thing.

You think that because you two aern't blowing shit up, people aern't using your religion to stoke negative passions in yourselves?

It's different degrees of the same manipulation for the political benefit of others.

Follow the faith, not those religious spokespeople who call people to arms in defense of your faith. My faith is between me and my lord. Fuck anyone and everyone else! And my not being able to wish people Merry Christmas at a public school or someone having a video shop in Afghanistan is going to change that.

I dunno..... How did Jesus' message of love get lost in all this suspicion and hating?

Geez... I dunno. Right now, my thoughts are that we, all the different faiths on earth are all being manipulated towards some great inescapable conflaguration.

Which is why I have faith in my lord but I have deep suspicion towards organized religion in general. Historically speaking, it's always been an instrument of control and conflict.

So right now, i'm gonna get to bed so I can drive to my moms house in San Berdardino tommorow. I'm going to have a nice Christmas dinner and we're going to celebrate Jesus and again and i'm going to flip the bird to FOX News which seems to be working overtime to inflame passions here at home among Christians in of all times, the time when we're celebrating the prince of peace.