
magicjay38 said:
A wise old Jesuit priest once told me that the entire myth of the Nativity of Christ was culled from Old Testament prophecies. When the first of the Gospels was written there was no one around that would actually remember the event so they put together this story. Like the OT says the Messiah would be born in Bethlaham despite all indication that he was a Galilean. No one knows the exact day or year he was born since there were no records of such things kept. The Jesuit went on to cite all the OT passages that made up the myth. But what would he know. He was just a Jesuit after all and we know how stupid they are, right Pariah?

Riiiiight. You really expect any of us to believe that you think a Catholic priest is "wise".

Sure MagicJay, suuuuuurre.

You're gonna have to do better than a word of mouth chance encounter with a "Jesuit priest".

No Jesuit I have ever spoken to--And trust me, I've spoken to plenty--Has ever considered anything within the Old Testament as myth. No real Catholic would since that's exactly what the religion entails.

Last edited by Pariah; 2005-11-24 4:13 AM.