
thedoctor said:
That's what I'm saying. Stores advertised Christmas as Christmas for decades, raking in the cash. Just because a few uptight people got their PC panties in a wad everyone's now going to act like they're not celebrating Christmas? Fuck that. It's been a commercial holiday for as long as I can remember. The religious aspects happen outside the stores, schools, and businesses and in the homes and churches.

I think its actually uptight people on both sides. Overly-PC people who complain about even the slight scent of religion, and overly-religious people who complain over the slightest impression of secularism in Christmas.
But as you said, its about money. Christmas/The Holiday season is a beast of its own now that feeds on money and nothing will effect that. Whether or not its called Christmas or X-mas won't effect how people celebrate in their homes or the products that they buy.

Bow ties are coool.