
theory9 said:

Please cut out the drama--you aren't really interested in freedom of religion, just your freedom. If you came out and said I'd actually have more respect for your opinion.

Christianity, in all its strains, has a history of preserving its freedoms to the exclusion of others. You speak of tyranny as if someone has invaded your home and stolen everything from you.

Well, that's assuming a lot about what I believe, on your part.

I respect anyone's right to whatever religion they want to practice. So long as they don't tread on my ability to practice Christianity.

I respect one's right to be an atheist. So long as they don't tread on my ability to practice Christianity.

I respect one's right to be gay, if they choose. So long as they don't try to change laws that intrude on my free practice of Christianity.

Christianity, in all its strains, has a history of preserving itself.
Christianity, despite a multitude of martyrs, spread peacefully across the Roman world for 300 years, finally becoming the dominant religion, before Constantine finally tapped Christianity as a political force for his own ambitions.

You could similarly say that of the many preservations "to the exclusion of others".
That those "exclusions" were arguably individuals pursuing their own ambitions, and not practicing true christianity.

No invasion of my rights and freedoms?

As I said in the Canada allows same-sex marriage topic, repeatedly, Canada has already outlawed the ability to publicly or on the airwaves criticize homosexuality. Which also means publicly or on the airwaves quoting the verses that condemn homosexual acts as immoral.
Those lobbying for similar expansions in U.S. law are treading on the Biblical concept of marriage, in addition to similar laws in the U.S. banning any Biblical objection to gays as a "hate-crime".

I know you don't share that perspective, but it is a valid argument.
That such liberal "freedoms" for gays are an invasion of my space and stealing from me, giving rights to gays while simultaneously taking rights and religious freedoms from Christians, and anyone else who objects to homosexuality and would publicly debate the issue.

Gradually eroding religious freedoms, but still seeking to twist the law to take away rights from me and every Christian.


Theory9 said :

That someone should express an opinion different from yours must be your ultimate form of imagined reprssion. Your "Christian majority" will survive just fine if a few pews are empty on Christmas Eve.

That's again a bit angry and personal. And putting words and concepts in my mouth that are not my own.

As I just pointed out, liberal expansions in the example of gay rights do intrude on the rights of myself and other Christians.
Despite your ad hominem remarks and assumptions about my beliefs.