all i have to say is people need to get over them selfs stop trying to make everthing "politically correct." for once you try to do that you loose your freedom to express. isnt that what America is all about? being able to express your self in which ever direction your beliefs are. i think so.

this country has lost the idea of that.

yes i beleive that this country was founded on Godly desires and beliefs and rightforly so it should stay that way in the form of holidays. i mean think about it every hoilday has a non religious portrayal to it also. case in point: Thanksgiving : turkey, Christmas: santa : Easter : easter bunny, so on and so forth.. shoot the christmas tree isnt even religious.

everyone is to uptight about "ooo gosh theres a jew running for mayor hes gonna convert us and be slanted!"

face it people. people are people and no matter how much one may try people are gonna rub their veiws off in their everyday lives. get over it. as long as you can still express your veiws dont worry about it.

so really what is the big frickin deal? i mean even the word "God" can be taking as something other than the Christan view. "God" can mean any "God" in any of the religions out there and if you dont beleive in a "God" then just ignore it and realize that thats what this world is all about and yes it is gonna be used but really it isnt used all that much, any more so then anything else.

really in my opinion, atheastis, dont even have a religion, all they have is beliefs and ideas. so to me they really dont have any ground to stand on in the issue of religion.

now, i do respect that veiw and if anyone takes affence to anything like everyone i do apologise but really most people just need to be more tollerant towards other people when it comes to religion and beleifs cause who are we to judge whats right and wrong.

glad to be of pleasurable service

"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

1,032,000 points!