
sneaky bunny said:

Lor said:
shoot the christmas tree isnt even religious.

actually, the christmas tree comes from paganism "candlemas" or "saturnalia" i believe. it like many things was taken during the roman push of catholicism.


really in my opinion, atheastis, dont even have a religion, all they have is beliefs and ideas. so to me they really dont have any ground to stand on in the issue of religion.

atheism isn't about beliefs nor a religion. and those who take it as bitching about god this and god that have their own set of problems. atheism is to not fall into the "brainwashing" that is of not just christianity but eastern religions. believing that facts and science are more correct tha some book of fairy tales.

right but i was talking about the "now a days" christmas tree. the idea of a chirstmas tree is only a traditional expression of grathering for the holidays and decoration that is all. no religious belief there.

right i also totally believe that to sneaky. but you see that is a belief too. atheisists beleive what science and what have you are telling them also. so in turn they have a belief of what they find to be true.

the thing is people dont think out side the box.

they also dont care to realize that there is no proof one way or another saying that their is a "God" (in any form) or not. its all in what one believes to be true and rightforly so. its all "theories", even the idea of electricity has been proven. we all know its there we know how to use it but really try and prove to me that their is such a thing. show me. how do i know its not my brain waves turning this computer on when i push the button, how do i know its not my God allowing me to use this machine.. silly i know, but true.

im not saying im right, you right or anyone is right. all im saying is no one really knows for sure so there isnt really any point to argueing about it. leave things be, let people express whatever they beleive when it comes to religion. we have no ground to be judgemental.

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"don't worry hunny, we'll dig our own graves..."

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