
sneaky bunny said:
facts and science have already disproven many of hte stories in your book of fairy tales.

You're missing the point. It's not about whether or not everything in there actually happened, or whether it happened the exact way it says. The definition of a myth is not at all concerned with scientific or historical factuality. Do I believe that many of the things in the Bible actually happened? Of course. Do I believe that everything in there is subject to scientific and historical verification? No way. The Bible exists to show people how they ought to live and to provide examples from the lives of a number of important figures throughout an ongoing story. And it tells that story in a way that's absolutely wonderful. The message of the Bible transcends the educated guesswork of scientific study and resonates with something within humanity that is entirely separate from - but by no means opposed to - the rational mind. No matter how bitter someone is because of things done in the name of God or justified using an out-of-context passage from the Bible, the truth and the reality of that Book in the minds and hearts of its believers persists.


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