NY Post:

    Another holy war erupted on Long Island yesterday after a Huntington lawyer filed suit arguing that a Nativity scene and menorah in the center of town violated the constitutional separation of church and state.

    Mitchell Pashkin sought a court order to take down both seasonal symbols because they indicated the town was promoting religion.

    "This isn't an attack on Christmas. It's not about Christianity itself. This is solely about respect for the law. This is about the Bill of Rights," he said.

    "A government shouldn't endorse religion," said Pashkin, who sought a temporary restraining order. "It makes some people feel left out, and that's not OK for the town to do."

    The dispute threatened to cast a pall over last night's tree-lighting ceremony at Huntington Village Green, where officials were to switch on lights on a 50-foot tree, just above the Nativity scene and menorah.

    But in court, U.S. District Judge Leonard Wexler urged the two sides not to make a federal case out of it and reach a compromise instead.

    They did: Town officials agreed to post signs showing clearly that both symbols were not provided by the town but donated privately — the Nativity by the Knights of Columbus in East Meadow and the menorah by Chabad-Lubavitch in Melville.

Hmph. A sane judge. I wonder how HE slipped through the screeing process, especially in New York