I haven't kept up with the thread (and that's probably a good thing) but did have a few things I wanted to add....

1st, I don't know any Jews that would over react like that over that sign. I have plenty of friends that work in Jewish areas and have even said they find nothing wrong with Christmas songs. They even know the lyrics to them, and if I remember correctly, even like a few.

The reason for my post tough was this...

My mom took a vacation day today and spent the day with my sister. They went to her kids' school because they had a play (or something). My mom was saying they can't have any holiday symbols in the school or say Merry Christmas, not even a sticker of a Christmas tree. My sister walked out and without thinking said Merry Christmas to someone. She then had to turn around and correct herself.

Talk about a stupid moronic world in which we live in and those kids are growing up in. That's just so messed up beyond belief.

It's teaching them that they can't express things they have a right to in this country, like freedom of speach and religion.

OH and Sneaky, scientists have constantly set out to proove the Bible is nothing but a book of "faries tales" as you say, yet every time they do that, they prove it to be true. How is that possible when according to you, it's just a book of "farie tales"?

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.