
wannabuyamonkey said:
I heard an add for an online retailer that refuesed to mention the "C" word but insisted that if you order by a certain date you could recieve your package before December 25th... Not before Christmas, but before a supposed arbitrary date of December 25th... who do they think they're fooling? I don't mind people saying happy hollidays, but I'm sensitive of some retailers not wishing to offend people by mentioning Christmas and to do my part I make sure that I don't offend them by polluting them with my Christmas purchases...

WBAM, I think that's great. Seriously. That's what you should do. If they bother you with their approach, don't patronize them. I even suggest you go into the store and tell them why you're not going to shop for Christmas merchandise there (because they need to know why they've lost you as a customer).

I was at Barnes & Noble Friday evening buying a book for the ex (Jimmy Carter's OUR ENDANDGERED VALUES) and the cashier, a very pleasant lady, wished me "Happy Holidays." I responded, "Merry Christmas." I wasn't offended by her, she wasn't offended by me.

What I hope out of all this, though, is that we Liberals don't take the blame en masse for any move to "de-Christ" Christmas. I will wholeheartedly argue one not need be Christian to celebrate the secular warmth of the Season, but even I do not wish for anyone to feel that they, Christian or not, can't express "Merry Christmas."

We all wear a green carnation.