
the G-man said:

the G-man said:
I assume by "try", Batwoman is saying that she feels she would have a claim for religious discrimination against her employer.

That's an interesting question.


Wednesday said:I don't see how she would if they allow her to say "happy holidays," a term which not only covers her holiday, but others as well.

You may be right. I'm simply noting that someone might be able to make a claim that their religion requires them to say "Merry Christmas" and the employer is being discriminatory by not letting her freely express herself.

It's sort of like the idea that you can't stop an employee from wearing a crucifix or a star of david.

Exactly. Along the lines of an employer can't fire you for being sick. They do that, they can get sued big time.

It's a rented tux ok? I'm not going comando in another man's fatigues.