Yeah, Dogbert, I know the Rabbi just wanted a menorah put up.... but the lawsuit the man threatened was what helped the airport decide to take away all the trees.

And I still think the trees may have offended him, anyway.

I went into town on Sat. Dec. 9 for my club social. I walked through 30 th street station on the way there. They had a 20 foot tall, beautifully decorated tree. It felt good to see it. I would be disappointed if I were to walk through there again in a few days and see the tree gone.

I'd not like it if this Rabbi has set a trend where anyone who feels left out at the Holidays is going to behave as he did.

Still, it might not have hurt the airport to have put up a few menorahs now, would it?

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.