
the G-man said:
According to the article Dogbert posted "Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky...made his request weeks ago... had hired a lawyer and threatened to sue."


dogbert said:
On the other hand, that same rabbi was outraged that the trees were removed. That's not what he wanted to happen. He just wanted his holiday to be included.

Understood. However, I was responding to Sammitch, who had asked if anyone had complained about the display. The Rabbi did.


Regarding an earlier point, I personally don't see the big deal about having multiple holiday displays around. A lot of religions and cultures celebrate holidays around this time of year. I wouln't have a problem with seeing them all acknowledged. Besides, some of them are quite nice and would make good decorations.

Maybe places like airports and the like could invite practitioners of various faiths to donate their own holiday decorations?

That sounds good until someone demands to decorate to honor some obscure religion, or even not so obscure religion, with some sort of 'offensive' imagry in it.

For example, what happens when the Satanists want inverted pentagrams put up? Or some fundamentalists Christians want a graphic version of the "Passion"? Or the Wiccans want something with nudity?

Someone will have a fit over it.

And, trust me, some group will make it a point to see what they can get away with, simply for publicity and to make a stink.